Aqua Grantique™ Steps
Coloring: Slate blue stone that may contain olive green, white quartz and rust coloring. The Aqua Grantique steps are split on the front and back and sawn on the ends. The surface is shot-blast to aid in slip resistance and to enchance the color and surface texture.
Available Thickness:
7½" (+/- ½")
Available Sizes:
18” x 36” = 6 per pallet
18” x 48” = 5 per pallet
18” x 60” = 4 per pallet
24” x 36” = 5 per pallet
24” x 48” = 4 per pallet
24” x 60” = 4 per pallet
Disclaimer: The Aqua Blue™ and Aqua Grantique™ materials contain minerals that on rare occasion may bleed.